2023 Waihī Beach - Matariki Dawn Viewing
NOTE: This event is dated in the PAST. Upcoming dates will be posted once confirmed.
20 July 2023
Venue: Pawharangi - Adela Stewart Dr Recreation Reserve
Times: 6am
Cost: Free
Email: matarikiwaihi@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/matarikiwaihi
“He Oranga Taiao, He Oranga Tangata”
“A healthy environment, a healthy people”
Join the community for a dawn viewing of the Matariki cluster.
Rug up around the fire and listen to a local speaker from Te Whānau a Tauwhao hapū, of Otawhiwhi Marae.
WHEN: 6am, Thursday 20th July.
WHERE: Pawharangi - Adela Stewart Dr Recreation Reserve, at the end of Adela Stewart Drive West. Park along Koutunui Rd.
FOLLOWED BY: A free community breakfast at Otawhiwhi Marae.
BRING: Warm clothes, blanket and camp chairs.
Facebook Event Here - https://www.facebook.com/events/782456690195928